When we started thinking of cool designs for the OOJOO wristbands, we quickly agreed that they should be simple, fashionable and colourful. We sat at the dining table drawing textures and themes on little ribbons of paper. But I also wanted to try out the designs with a real feel of fabric on my wrist, so I created the oojoo-matic© DIY style, oh yeah!
It helped figuring out what designs actually work on a wrist, but after all it was just fun to draw, color and experiment. The actual designs were then created digitally, by myself and the creative team at Mediamind.
The hardest part was making the final selection, there were so many beautiful designs and it turned out every designer had completely different favourites. So from the idea to make a selection of ten designs it quickly shifted to fifteen, finally ending up with twenty designs to start with, simply because there were just too many designs darlings that we couldn’t kill.
Also, we first presumed that we would be able to create designs for specific age groups or gender, but after one male friend, 25 years old, picked the Pineapple Floss as his very favourite, we quickly abandoned that silly idea.
The technical restrictions in translating vector to woven fabric was quite challenging but the result ended up just fantastic. The vivid colors of the threads and the high-end quality of the production was beyond everyone’s expecations. The OOJOO wristbands are amazingly sharp, colorful, strong.